Yocelin Cervantes, Secretary

Yocelin, the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and Governing Board of MetroED by day, loves to engage and volunteer her time when life allows. She enjoys giving back to her community and participating in the things she believes in. When young, she volunteered her time at a food donation center in a church close to her home. She quickly fell in love with volunteering and moved on to volunteer as a teacher’s aide for Sunday school and summer retreats.
As a senior in high school, Yocelin attended CCOC, now known as MetroED’s Silicon Valley Career Technical Education (SVCTE). Her love for the legal world began when she enrolled in the Legal Program, CCOC formally offered. While attending CCOC, she was involved in the student board and was awarded a scholarship on behalf of CCOC.
Upon graduating, she attended De Anza Community College to further her career in the legal world. She graduated as a paralegal and worked in the industry for a little over three years. During those three years, she participated as the Student Liaison between a paralegal association (PASCCO) & De Anza Community College /West Valley Community College. Prior to the pandemic, she was offered a seat on the board of the paralegal association as Vice President of Education. Her primary role involved creating social events, seminars, and Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) opportunities. During this role, she also helped with the rebranding of the paralegal association and furthermore aided in the wind down when the association came to an end in 2021.